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The Politecnico di Milano (acronym PoliMI) is an Italian university institute of a scientific and technological nature, founded in Milan in 1863. The fields of study and research include the three macro-areas of engineering, architecture and design. buy fake degree, buy fake diploma, fake certificates, How to buy fake Italian diploma? How long to buy fake Politecnico di Milano degree?
According to the QS World University Rankings 2022, for the didactic area ‘Engineering & Technology’, it proves to be the thirteenth university in the world. It ranks 5th for Design, 11th for Civil and Structural Engineering, 13th for Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and 10th for Architecture, thus making it the first university in Italy within the previously mentioned faculties. buy Politecnico di Milano diploma.
The university is organized into the following Schools, pertaining to the disciplinary fields of the departments:
Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering (AUIC)
Civil, Environmental and Territorial Engineering (ICAT)
Industrial and Information Engineering